Physio Rehab

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About Us

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Physio Rehab Clinic arised and was inspired during our tobaggan family fun ride in Switzerland.


Our tobaggan ride, back of cart, was then hit hard by another that came at swift speed. We felt a sharp pain on our lower back. Prompt medical treatments were sought with three independent Orthopaedic Specialists at Singapore private and government hospitals. X-ray and MRI were done.


On our injuries, we were given three different medical views and advises as below:


a) Injury was serious. Surgery was recommended,

b) Injury was not serious. Do nothing and let it heals,

c) Injury was common amongst people. Monitor progress.


At a loss, we did not know whom we should believe.

Free Consultation

Optional free consultation with our administrator who could advise on the treatment options, our physio services, insurance claim and CPF healthcare schemes.

Physiotherapy treatments

Physiotherapy improves quality of life, health and well-being. It provides pain relief to patients of all ages.

Over the next few weeks, we sought intense treatments on Othopaethic, Physiotherapy, Pilates, Yoga, Stretching, Low Impact Sports, Massage Therapy, Chiropratic, Cupping, Acupuncture, TCM, Dietary, Supplements and Medications.


Our travel insurance and personal accident insurance conditionally covered us on the sustained injuries. As we were new to the injury, treatment types and procedures, there were much time spent on research works, trials and errors. We were not familiar with the travel insurance and personal accident insurance jargons used, its limitations, terms and conditions.  

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We have  good support from our insurance agents and trusted people who recommended us on the treatment types. However, the pain persists, the hustling and the confusion continues.

Most practitioners said that they could help with our medical condition. Some did hard selling for their packages and were profits driven.

On the use of anti-inflammatory pills, NSAIDs, not all supported on its use. NSAIDs are effective anti-inflammatory treatments but it carries with it some ill effects especially if used longer than prescribed. Few recommended surgery as immediate solution to the injuries while most firmly against it. There were emotional stress and confusions arising in the inconsistent professional advises by the practitioners.

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During this treatment period and thereafter, we have gained valuable insight and knowledge of various injuries types, our body anatomy, musculoskeletal system, prevention and cure. We acknowledged that each treatment type has its own merits, limitations and time frame. There is no one medical treatment that can completely surpass the other as much depends on one’s personal preference, treatment comfort level and budget.


We believe in a treatment that is non invasive, no medication, no potential harm, no side effects and provides natural healing for sustainable good health. Exercise and healthy living are the best medicine.

Having gone through the difficult and painful times, we have an urge to help people who are in the same predicament as us. We turned our pain and dispairs into hope. Our weakness transformed into strength of physio knowledge and physio exercises in natural healing.   Our focus is to help people to rehabilitate back to good health, through physiotherapy. Being motivated and sincere in helping, we have included an optional 30 minutes free consultation with our adminstrator who could advise on the treatment options, our physio services, insurance claim and CPF healthcare schemes.

We believe in sharing and giving back to the society from which we have gained. This was how and when our Physiotherapy clinic was started, Physio Rehab Clinic

Choose the best physio therapy for youself


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